
Hard Reset

Can you believe that it’s been almost a year since I’ve made a note-worthy word deposit here? Would you believe me if I totld you that you that I am a totally different person than I was back then? Yes, I am still me but Baybayyyy… If you thought being an expert on Self development makes you exempt from growing, you are sadly mistaken. The moment you stop growing is the day funeral prep begins… trust!

Many times I have told you Self-development is a LIFELONG endeavor, This whole time that I’ve been pushing forward like a nomad in the face of a desert storm. Ehhhh, I wouldn’t call it a crises, but getting to the next level sometimes aint no joke. Let me just tell you this… scooch up close and listen good… When you find yourself in a perpetual state of irritatating becasie life isn’t “lifing” the way you want or need it to, that’s a hint for your behind that it’s time for a change.

Ever felt like you needed to be somewhere… or thatt you have somewheere to go but when yo into your car knowing theres aa full tank, you put the key in, turn over the ignition but the care just wont go? This kind of puts me in the mind of living through COVID. You have a taste for something and since you’re tired of sitting in the house you decide to go to the corner store. You put on your shoes, find the keys to lock up, down the four flights of stairs to the building exit and out the door you go. You make it off the property, around the corner down 5 blocks down the street to the story… only to find a sign on the door that says “Closed until further notice.” $%&#$ !!!

When you’re done cussing the next thought is: “Well damn that was a colossal waste! A waste of time; a waste of energy and still… no chips! To sum it up, I’m now tired, pissed off, feeling stranded, abandoned, frustrated and still unable to satisfy the hunger for the thing I really really wanted. On the long walk back the only thing swimming in my head is… “There has to be more to life man! God help me…” as a tear rolls down out of my left eye. If you think there has to more to it, there is. Dig deeper with me and I will tell the you the story.

K, so it all begins a little over a year ago when I went to Las Vegas to either restart or end a long dragging on saga between me and… well lets call him Timmy. Timmy and I dated like hooooooo… a lifetime ago. Back in the day we met, dated and almost got married until “the elephant” needed to be address. Oh yeah, The elephant was the fact that he had not gotten around to “filing a divorce.” Yep he was married. Clearly the marriage had been over for quite some time… but covenant… is no little word. Whelp you know what they say about Las Vegas… what you do in Vegas… stays in Vegas. Or… does it. So next week Imma take you there and um you’ll have to tell me, just how wrong I was to do what I did.

Ohhhh Momma

So it feels weird to say that out loud! FLASH! Why am I suddenly hearing Elvis Presley in my head? When I think of Mothers out there in the media-sphere is see: Lisa Bonet and Zoe Kravits, Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson, Jada Pinket and Willow Smith, June Shannon and Honeybooboo, uh and if you’ve got some age on ya, u might remember Mommy Dearest (#BetDavis). If you’re like me and didn’t quite “the perfect Mom”, your models might come from multi-media. In the 70’s there were only syndicated families like “Fathers Know Best” “Bewitched” and “The Brady Bunch.” But their families didn’t look like mine. It wasn’t until Good Times with Florida Evans showed the world the struggle- culture of the American Black Family. As spot on as Good Times was, it was only part of the picture. Sampling the lives on the Cosby Show was like a glass of cool water… who can forget the quintessential black mom, Claire Huxtable (Phylicia Rashad) who was both reality and goal. But now there is Blackish and OUR presidential Obama Family.

This week, as you may have guessed, is all about the love between parent and child (#Storg’e Love.) So far it’s the most important of all the LOVES we’ve discussed because it sets the tone, the foundation for all future relationships to come. The love and connection of a mother (or the attention and gravity of the father) can make or break one’s perspective towards handling love. Why is the gaze between a newborn baby and the parent who birthed them so awe inspiring and powerful? I mean its the most divine thing I’ve ever seen. The baby is an empty picture asking/needing to be filled. Not only that, it’s a look of pure love and wonder and satisfaction. It’s an I’ve been waiting a long time for this … and you can see it in their eyes, which they say is the window of the soul.

According to the incredible book “Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You” by James G Friesen, the brain is literally changed by receiving what the baby/child needs from it’s parents during each developmental stage. And when we don’t or brain is literally damaged by the deficiency. Deep huh? Think of the movie The Matrix, the Architect used data, formulas, and scripts to create programs that created and ran a whole world and the people in it.

The interaction between Momma and baby provides the data, scripts and programming their baby will use in every relationship and in connecting with others in their world. For example, think about The Look mentioned above. When Momma looks at baby the message in her eyes has an instant impact. There’s either the “Loving Eyes Look” that says, “I love you and I’m happy to see you.” Which writes: ACCEPTANCE, WORTH, and VALUE on baby’s hard drive. And it literally feels good, the energy of joy, happiness, and belonging is exchanged within the stare and dopamine is released. The brain is nourished in a way that makes it grow in a healthy way. OR there’s the “OMG! What is it now, Irritated Look” in response to baby crying. Baby is crying because it has a need so when Momma appears with harsh seemingly unloving response, trauma happens. Baby’s gaze is met with a cold, unwelcoming, seeming unloving gaze. And this etches “REJECTION/Unwanted, I’m a bother, No love, I am bad” on the soul of the child. Which is like a record that plays over and over inside of the child. Their diaper may have been changed or a bottle given, but emotionally the child was not fed.

What happens to a person if they are not fed? They become malnourished, their growth becomes stunted and eventually they starve to death and die. If this is the case, what happens when a baby requires love and attention and it was withheld, ignored or made to feel bad for having a need? They feel like dying… Over time, people become desperate and willing to do whatever is necessary to live… even manipulate, steal, kill and destroy others. The fact is EVERYBODY NEEDS LOVE, to belong, to be desired and they need security and they need a home (even for their hearts.)

Have you ever felt “retarded” (emotionally stunted), unprepared, not capable of handling the requirements of loving and being loved? Chances are you were robbed of the nourishment you should’ve received as a child. Lack of nourishment, creates vacuum needs and brokenness that causes, Serial Dating, BabyMen Syndrome, Narcissism, Suuper Independence (don’t need anybody), and drama-look at me behavior.

But the good news is… all this brain damage can be reversed. You can actually get what you need and I promise, it will change your life. Meet me here next week and I will tell you how.

Hamster Wheel

To be honest I started this blog because I wanted to sell my book 4SELF101 Essential Life Skills” And I had so many ideas for the application of the secrets inside… (#survival guides) and much more. The truth is EVERYBODY can benefit from “getting themselves together” #self development. Why? Because no one under the skies are perfect. I’d like to say I’m nearly perfect but the truth is, we are all “jacked up” in one way or another. So the challenge became “How to live an “authentically me” life, to thrive and be happy”.

Back in the day I tried really really hard to “be loved.” Or maybe it was to capture the feeling, IDK. And so I was very clingy and didn’t really know when to leave… even from my friends homes. The truth is, growing up I wanted to be anywhere but home. And most my secret spaces, under the pink honey comb bush or up the plumb tree brought me peace. Even as a child, I was always a very lonely person. At one point I suffered from what I call “a debilitating loneliness.” After every break-up (and I dated a lot of people) I was plunged into a very dark and depressed state. Looking for love… not just in all the wrong places, yeah, but in actuality I was more of a case of “looking for love everywhere I could think of.” Eventually I got frickin’ tired of not getting what I NEED (very strong WANT.) And one day I had an epiphany… like a soft whisper floating on the wind, which blew thru me saying: “What if it’s me?” Poooooooooooof, in a second my whole world shifted and all that I could see before me was a mirror blocking out even the sun. “What if it izzzzzzz me” I thought. And then, like an erupting dormant volcano came the awareness … What if I have hidden ancient scripts, embossed on my psyche, junk passed down to me from the generations before me… running automatically undetected by me – controlling certain thoughts and behaviors. Kind of like “the sins of the father” or in my case, the sins of the mothers. I could see in my imagination a proverbial hamster stuck on a wheel, not of my making but yet active and moving in me, wreaking havoc in my life (#unhealthy behaviors and cycles.) For instance: How does one “not need a man/mate” and at the same time desperately have to have one? Its like a house divided, splitting hairs or an internal tug of war with your self-image at the center. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said to myself… “Well, hell, is there something wrong with me?” And there was the wind again… “Yes, yes there are many things wrong … starting with, “Who are you, really.” Chasing the answer, took me down spiritual, emotional and intellectual paths of discovery, which many many years later has inexplicably led me here. Here’s what I’ve learned:

To start with, you have to know thyself. Uhhh should I say, BE HONEST do you like you? And if you do, what about yourself do you like? If you don’t like yourself, why not? In fact, right now grab a piece of paper and make 2 lists: 1) Things I like about myself and 2) Things I DON’T like about myself. Add one more list: “Things I am grateful for.” After you’ve finished I want you to think of ways to improve the DON’T likes, and how to CELEBRATE the things you do. Shift your focus from what you don’t like about yourself to being thankful for people and things in your life that are good. You can only love someone if you know them. So the goal is to get to know yourself (maybe all over again) and to fall in love with who you are. You’ve heard it said, “How can anyone else love you if you don’t love yourself.” Notice that it’s not a question but a statement.

Scooch up close and hear this… sometimes subconscious scripts keep us in negative cycles. Counseling is gooooood. And it feels even better to discover issues and get them resolved. You will literally feel a weight lifted, a freedom that you haven’t previously felt. Trust me. Learning to be AUTHENTICALLY You, in every circle in your life is an amazing feeling. But only comes when you are comfortable (and happy) in your own skin, regardless of other peoples’ opinions.

Lastly, I have to say it… To feel worthy of the best, you have to know your own worth. Let me share my secret regarding worth… my value comes from the knowledge that when I was at my worst, Someone loved me so much that He traded His life for mine. And that very act, transformed me being ordinary and on a path of destruction to Supernatural. It transfused royalty into my blood. Moving me from death to life, and life more abundantly. I believe differently, and I walk different, because I know who I am, Whose I am. That’s the secret and the mystery behind it. The knowledge is a treasure that keeps on paying. Get yours, and I can help if you want it. CLICK Here

The Benefits of Wearing a Mask

There is too much controversy over whether we should wear masks or not during “this Pandemic.” You hear arguments that are in favor of wearing a mask in confined indoor spaces to protect from “airborne pathogens” and then there are several others that say the masks either don’t work or that they negatively impact respiratory systems.

To  be quite honest, the invent of COVID isn’t the first occurrence where people depend on wearing masks. Folks have been doing that for years. Yeah, you know where I’m going. SELF-development, SELF-esteem, SELF-Confidence… do you know the difference between character and personality? Character is the morality, traits, convictions of the inner-person and personality is what the individual wants the world to see (outward-ness) aka- The Mask.

I recently finished “Will” (Penguin Press, 2021) by Will Smith. And I realize sometimes you don’t really know if someone is presenting their genuine self or whether they are serving up “a representative,” what they think you need to accept them. The crazy thing is they don’t always KNOW that’s what they’re doing until you challenge them. The persona is usually a carefully crafted suit one puts together piece by piece until they are covered right. Who would think, Will Smith’s comedic flow/timing/genius were crafted for his protection? He said, and I paraphrase, “If people were laughing someone is not getting hurt.”

When I think of actors who live for applause, I realize that they aren’t much different from “PEOPLE PLEASERS” except they get paid … well the truth of the matter is, they both get paid. Actors get paid with a check and people pleasers get an intellectual/emotional pay-off. People often “dress it up” “be on their best behavior” serve up the “Representative” in order to “seal the deal” and then when everybody is comfortable, out comes the genuine article. Scooch up close and let me whisper to that person a little sum-sum…THAT’S LYING!!!

And the reason it’s usually NOT OK, when the truth comes out is because nobody likes being deceived. People who fall in love with the mask, are like “he/she changed!.”  No, uh no they didn’t. This is just the REAL PERSON, who finally felt secure enough to take off their covering.  If you’ve ever fallen sucker to the “bait and switch” just know, EVERYBODY is broken in one way or another.  They’re stuff is no worse than your stuff… unless they’re just out there slaying folks on purpose.

I used to be a people pleaser. I needed people that I liked to like me back, and I absolutely needed people to understand where I was coming from… I was overly “nice” and super sensitive, always trying to dodge “fussing and fighting” and the pain of rejection. But once I undertook counseling and self-development I came to understand, value and trust mySELF.  And that gave me the confidence to tell people: I am who I am (by the grace of God) and I don’t NEED you (or anyone) to like me because I like me. And if they have an issue with me … (#pinky finger). In all honesty, if they don’t support you, pay your bills, pr powder your bum… you could probably live without them, though you may not want to… you could make it.

There is a benefit of wearing this type of mask, though. It allows you to hide the REAL you and also delay the inevitable. In other words, the benefits are temporary and fleeting, because once the person that was deceived finds out the truth, the door opens to the very thing you tried to avoid in the beginning. And who’s to say it won’t devastate you more than the original pain. Nine times out of ten you will find yourself starting all over again. Why even go there? It’s a waste of time and energy for what a TEMPORARY FIX? Cut it out! You knowwww you’ve got issues, admit it and get some help! Did you like being hurt? Wearing a mask does a disservice to yourself and to others. Nobody likes a fake, disingenuous, deceitful person. You can start today, fix whatever is broken, take one step at a time, and I promise you, things will be aaaaa-ight  (#alright) Besides there is no “Ahhhhh” like the one you get while living FULLY ALIVE in all your glory! We need to experience REAL you, as unique, quirky, odd, quiet, nerdy, corny, slow, fast as you are!

For more information on People Please get your copy of 4SELF 101 HERE, it’s not just for teens.

Four Seasons

Well it’s officially Christmas Season, the time of Peace and Joy. And you know I’m big on Joy. Speaking of SEASONS, I’ve lived in California most of my adult life and there’s mainly just one, hot. I’ve become a weather wimp, I can do 118 like champ, but I’m crying and complaining when it drops below 40 here in GA. But what I love about Georgia is you get to experience all four of the seasons. Autumn is a reprieve, the explosive yellows, oranges and red colored leaves are sort of a reward for surviving the sticky (yucky) humidity filled summer.

I can say, no matter where I am in the world, spring is my favorite. Just a couple of posts ago I talked about the difference between dancing, or getting caught in the rain, which we know washes away the old dried stuff, waters seeds, brings new life and the beautiful flowers we all enjoy. And life is beautiful, at least it was meant to be that way. Even bears come out of hibernation… because the sun seems to be just right.

One thing we know, it takes for seasons (winter, spring, summer and fall) to make a complete a cycle. Life is like that, it has four seasons. Life starts in Spring (the birds and the bees)! Like spring chicks we receive nourishment, education and stimulation to growing. Summer comes, its hot and the frenzy of movement compels us to leave the nest and fly. Its time to build our own lives, get that career, home, start and raise a family and plant seeds for the future. You know… do life. With Autumn comes the second half of the life cycle. We’re cruising now, the kids are about to be grown, retirement is on the radar and what was hot is now cooling off. Old fruit begins to dry and whither away. And finally winter comes. We all know it would. As long as there’s seed time and harvest, the seasons come and go. Time keeps on-a-ticking. For each of us just like in nature the sun rises at birth and surely one day it will set. As they say, two things are for sure: DEATH AND TAXES.

Writer and philosopher Zaid K Dahhaj in his article “Why Understanding the Seasons of Life Will Ease Your Suffering” (2018) says, and I paraphrase:

“In Spring and Summer we celebrate youth, vitality and aliveness. But an endless summer is unnatural. Who you become, the people you nurture and the work you do in the summertime of your life all contribute to the making of your harvest, or your legacy. In the fall of your life, you reap what you sow.”

But you cannot have the next season until you let go of the previous one. Holding onto something that is dying or the past will only stunt your growth and delay your future. Seasons are meant to have a start and finish… so that life can progress organically. This is seen more than we’d like to admit with jobs and relationships. Yeah it’s been fun, but in your “knower” its apparent there’s no future there. And you know one day it’s gonna be time to move on. Year 1 and 2 is great, no kinks, no issues or nothing but half way through year 3, things begin to change. It could be a number of things and “you’re done” or all of a sudden you wake up feeling differently… Yep that should be the beginning of the end, except you keep telling yourself “No responsibility is fun, tho.” But the whisper “Its time to go” continues to nag until the signs, flags, and issues start popping up everywhere (that’s the universe giving you a hint.) To be honest with yourself, you knew this day would come. Have courage to do what you must. Because one thing is for sure, you cannot progress to your next season by holding onto a dying one or to the past. The longer you hold onto a thing, the worse the situation becomes… Its better to release by choice than it is to be forced to let go. Control what you can … and don’t fret the rest. If it didn’t work out, it probably was for you. Or, it was only to be in your life for A CERTAIN SEASON… A season is not meant to last a lifetime.

A HappyLife is made from experiencing, getting the most out of each season. The goal is end your cycle with no regrets (get your closure before moving to the next level). KNOW THYSELF, so you can trust your own intuition. (When you don’t know, pray.) And if you need a little help, as always…

I got you! CLICK HERE

Thanks for the Rain!

I remember dancing in the rain as a kid. The hot and humid St. Louis summers sometimes caused the black tar covered streets to melt beneath our bare feet as we did “the tolerance test.” Running and playing all day long, hot, and sticky but when it rained… omg, if the drops didn’t evaporate before washing over every upturned little face, it felt like heaven.

Now as an adult getting caught in the rain is a nightmare, especially in the winter. Cold AND wet, I can’t think of anything worse. The Book says “It rains on the just and unjust” meaning, everybody is gonna get rained on, it’s how you see it that makes all the difference in the world. “Rain, rain go away, come back another day or…  

In Seattle, it rains (so they say) 300 out of 365 days in a year. Almost all things are washed away EXCEPT depression. When you’re feeling low, getting rained on seems to make things worse. But there in WA life just goes on. Washingtonians do everything in the rain, ride motorcycles, camp, hike… where most people would turn back, they just shrug and keep it moving.

BUT! When you’ve been in a drought tho… “a dry spell” or if you’re feeling a little thirsty and “can’t get no satisfaction…” Yes, that can absolutely be dating, but it can also be about unemployment, or social activities… like where are your friends when you need ‘em. It’s being stuck in an “in-between-space. You’ve finally exited one place, but you’re not quite where you want to be yet… why does that place always seem to be like a dust-covered, tumbleweed town, plagued by dry winds, ashy skin, cracked lips and dry mouth. And all you can think of is …. WHEN’S IT GONNA BE MY TURN. Growing up I heard that a lot from my mother, especially when she drank. She’d also mumble between swallows, “I give and I give, when is someone going to give back to me?!.”

When you’ve got it going on you’re like a full picture of refreshing water and it’s easy to give. But then that generous spirit (or the need to get) compels you to give down to your last. And when you have nothing left, your friends start becoming scarce too. Sucks… but you are the one who must be aware of the condition of your own picture… if you don’t refill when your inner resources get dangerously low you’ll could end up “boiling dry.” (imagine boiling eggs and the water evaporates.) Thats the place where you’ve got nothing left to give… #SELFCARE means TAKING “you time” (to refill.)

So back to the in-between place, the desert… as long as you’re connected to the Source and you don’t give up, you will make it to the other side. Scooch up close and listen to this … Most often we just want to “arrive” but what we really need is development, that which can only be derived from THE PROCESS. In other words, the destination is less important than the JOURNEY. And if you stop half way thru… sorry it’s around the mulberry bush you go… and go and go until you finish the course. Stop worrying so much about leaving the place and start trying to devour each and every moment. Perhaps there’s a lesson to learn, forgiveness to give (or receive) maybe you just need toughening up, or NINJA skills, whatever it is, believe me, it will be VITAL for your next level.

So, now when it rains I don’t get CAUGHT, I prepare myself. And instead of gnashing my teeth, I may let Lil Anji (my inner child) out to splash in a puddle or two. Or you may catch me, with my nose in the air and mouth wide open catching rain drops with my tongue. Or spinning with my hands in the air dancing a jig. Or I may, like I did last night, wrap myself in a blanket, sit on the patio watching and  listening to the rain. I finally get it!The rain is what keeps the Emerald Isle (Seattle) green, and waters every thirsty thing which produces growth in it’s own time.

But most of all RAIN means abundance (#make it rain). There’s been a lot of SH^% in my life, but ya know what? through it all, I’ve planted many, many seeds. And the law of seed time and harvest always does what it’s supposed to do… cleanses and water whatever has been planted and toiled over. AND IF YOU DON’T FAINT (or drop out of the journey) your harvest (and mine) is coming. The key is to stay connected to the SOURCE and to keep moving. I declare that my seeds are bringing wealth… what are your seeds bringing you? Rain is a supernatural wonder! It cleanses hearts and minds, and revives the soul; calms the spirit, produces every beautiful thing to enjoy and you know… Living Water satisfies like nothing else in the world can. The rain reminds me that we are still alive and growing! And God I am so thankful!

Inner Child 3: #Relationship Goals

In my book 4 SELF 101, Chapter 11: SELF-Care, we focus on “MiMi’s Story”, which is about a girl and her problematic dating life.  How many of you have heard “Do as I say, Not as I do”? Why do parents even go there? Don’t they know it’s the very nature of a child to gather data and put it into practice? That’s their very nature. So, guess where they gather their data? Duhhhhhh…

MiMi like many others, just wants to be loved and to have a good relationship that lasts. But her role models happen to be good women with bad dating (marrying) habits. All she’s ever seen are TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS, so that’s her NORM. My story is very similar… lets visit my INNER CHILD and you’ll see what I mean.

Lil Anji: “My Mom and Dad, the most “handsomest” man in the world, were divorced when I was 4. I missed him sooo much that I used to cry at night “I want my daddy.” But I never saw him again for a long long time unless he was in one of my Honey-suckle tree daydreams. (see the previous blogpost Home Haunted Home.) One day my Mom remarried my “Pop” Bill and everything was good UNTIL… the “Saturday Nite Fights” started. Moses and me, clung together while dishes broke, and bodies hit the wall… it used to shake the entire tiny-house. To stop Baby Bruh from screaming and crying we used to sing songs under the covers.” (I was about 6 when I made a SELF-fulfilling promise that wreaked havoc in my future relationships…) “I’m never getting married, it takes you through too many changes.”

The mis-education of Lil Anji only included Mom (who was married & divorced 3 times), our neighbors the Browns, The Thompsons (like “Father Knows Best”) Uncle Al (married & divorced SIX times) and Grandma. When I went over Gram’s house, where I’d go to get away from the madness, BTW was also apparently haunted (#Poltergeist)... I’d notice “huh, no grandpa.” (I never new my Mom’s Dad.) But what I did see was how Gram owned her own home, a nice car, shopped at only the most expensive department stores (like Dillard and the former JC Pennys). She wore only the best leather shoes and owned diamonds and furs… and all this on a 3rd grade education! She was the Matriarch, her legacy set the expectation and standard of “Female Independence, Class and Strength.” Following in her footsteps became my very own CORE VALUE. But how many of you know your greatest strength can turn out to be you’re greatest weakness? INDEPENDENT BLACK WOMAN just is... She is queen, conquerer, regal… yes worthy of admiration. BUT! The Mindset…. can be toxic to loving partnerships because she’s ruling PERIODT. I’mma set that right there (and leave it alone) for a later time…. because that’s a whole nuther’ discussion.

Now with that said, I love being an Independent Black Woman, and I have worked hard at it, but it’s taken a lot of SELF work to get the right balance. So let me boil this down for you right quick. Lil Anji was (and still is) a daddy’s girl who experienced REJECTION and ABANDONMENT. She mainly experienced only TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS growing up (marriages that never lasted.) She made an INNER VOW to never get married. And her top CORE VALUE was to maintain her crown of being an INDEPENDENT BLACK QUEEN. And I am telling all that came with a lot of MONKIES and GENERATIONAL STUFF that present day me has had to fight through, dissect, and be healed of - in order to find the HAPPYLIFE.

One huge thing was figuring out what I really wanted. I had a bad case of double-mindedness (Wanting but not wanting at the same time (#RELATIONSHIP STALL). I realized the only way to change my circumstances was to 1) Understand what happened back there, 2) UNLEARN unhealthy mindsets, and 3) Change the way I do things. (Remember the definition of INSANITY.) Rethinking thing, fixing what is broken, using positive confessions and redirecting your energy … IS VITAL! But like SELF Development, it’s a work in progress. I encourage you to follow my footsteps and visit your INNER CHILD (once again) to look at your relationships and you will see where many of your today-issues came from. Its a starting place to address your MONKIES and become whole. For you can only experience true happiness from a place of WHOLENESS.

In all seriousness, dealing with generational issues, curses and habits (the sins of the fathers/mothers) is a spiritual journey. Find a Christian Counselor that has experience with deliverance and inner healing. And if you need help getting started, as always, I got you - CLICK HERE.

For more information on MONKIES, MiMi’s Story and overcoming TOXIC dating behavior, get your copy of 4SELF 101 here, it’s not just for Teens… it’s also for the TEEN in you.

Next Blog I’mma tell you about Paul who I fell in love with at 3 years old.