wealth of the rich

Thanks for the Rain!

I remember dancing in the rain as a kid. The hot and humid St. Louis summers sometimes caused the black tar covered streets to melt beneath our bare feet as we did “the tolerance test.” Running and playing all day long, hot, and sticky but when it rained… omg, if the drops didn’t evaporate before washing over every upturned little face, it felt like heaven.

Now as an adult getting caught in the rain is a nightmare, especially in the winter. Cold AND wet, I can’t think of anything worse. The Book says “It rains on the just and unjust” meaning, everybody is gonna get rained on, it’s how you see it that makes all the difference in the world. “Rain, rain go away, come back another day or…  

In Seattle, it rains (so they say) 300 out of 365 days in a year. Almost all things are washed away EXCEPT depression. When you’re feeling low, getting rained on seems to make things worse. But there in WA life just goes on. Washingtonians do everything in the rain, ride motorcycles, camp, hike… where most people would turn back, they just shrug and keep it moving.

BUT! When you’ve been in a drought tho… “a dry spell” or if you’re feeling a little thirsty and “can’t get no satisfaction…” Yes, that can absolutely be dating, but it can also be about unemployment, or social activities… like where are your friends when you need ‘em. It’s being stuck in an “in-between-space. You’ve finally exited one place, but you’re not quite where you want to be yet… why does that place always seem to be like a dust-covered, tumbleweed town, plagued by dry winds, ashy skin, cracked lips and dry mouth. And all you can think of is …. WHEN’S IT GONNA BE MY TURN. Growing up I heard that a lot from my mother, especially when she drank. She’d also mumble between swallows, “I give and I give, when is someone going to give back to me?!.”

When you’ve got it going on you’re like a full picture of refreshing water and it’s easy to give. But then that generous spirit (or the need to get) compels you to give down to your last. And when you have nothing left, your friends start becoming scarce too. Sucks… but you are the one who must be aware of the condition of your own picture… if you don’t refill when your inner resources get dangerously low you’ll could end up “boiling dry.” (imagine boiling eggs and the water evaporates.) Thats the place where you’ve got nothing left to give… #SELFCARE means TAKING “you time” (to refill.)

So back to the in-between place, the desert… as long as you’re connected to the Source and you don’t give up, you will make it to the other side. Scooch up close and listen to this … Most often we just want to “arrive” but what we really need is development, that which can only be derived from THE PROCESS. In other words, the destination is less important than the JOURNEY. And if you stop half way thru… sorry it’s around the mulberry bush you go… and go and go until you finish the course. Stop worrying so much about leaving the place and start trying to devour each and every moment. Perhaps there’s a lesson to learn, forgiveness to give (or receive) maybe you just need toughening up, or NINJA skills, whatever it is, believe me, it will be VITAL for your next level.

So, now when it rains I don’t get CAUGHT, I prepare myself. And instead of gnashing my teeth, I may let Lil Anji (my inner child) out to splash in a puddle or two. Or you may catch me, with my nose in the air and mouth wide open catching rain drops with my tongue. Or spinning with my hands in the air dancing a jig. Or I may, like I did last night, wrap myself in a blanket, sit on the patio watching and  listening to the rain. I finally get it!The rain is what keeps the Emerald Isle (Seattle) green, and waters every thirsty thing which produces growth in it’s own time.

But most of all RAIN means abundance (#make it rain). There’s been a lot of SH^% in my life, but ya know what? through it all, I’ve planted many, many seeds. And the law of seed time and harvest always does what it’s supposed to do… cleanses and water whatever has been planted and toiled over. AND IF YOU DON’T FAINT (or drop out of the journey) your harvest (and mine) is coming. The key is to stay connected to the SOURCE and to keep moving. I declare that my seeds are bringing wealth… what are your seeds bringing you? Rain is a supernatural wonder! It cleanses hearts and minds, and revives the soul; calms the spirit, produces every beautiful thing to enjoy and you know… Living Water satisfies like nothing else in the world can. The rain reminds me that we are still alive and growing! And God I am so thankful!